Rachel's Demise

Girl: Rachel
Parts: 4 Chapters
Wordcount: 14,000 words
Date Published: Dec 2021
Story Tags:

Synopsis: Rachel lives with her boyfriend in their new apartment and gets a new roommate, Mike. Rachel is a strong-minded woman that doesn't take shit from anyone, until a peculiar incident happens between Mike and her, causing her to discover a new fantasy that quickly gets out of hand...

Author's Notes: This story is told from two perspectives, switching back and forth between Rachel's and her boyfriend's perspective, starting with Rachel's. Cheating and humiliation themes are strong in this one, so, reader, you have been warned.

Chapter 1

My boyfriend and I have been dating for about four years before this all happened. I honestly cannot believe the path I’ve spiralled down the last few weeks but… I want to share my story...

I’ll start from the beginning.

Bf and I were recent graduates, him from nursing school, me from my MBA program, and settled down into a new apartment in the city to build a life together. We had applied to dozens of jobs but, by coincidence, we both ended up getting a job at the same hospital — I was hired as an administrator and he, of course, as a nurse. I absolutely loved this man and he kept being even more amazing as time went on: he was kind, sensitive, an amazing listener, and just so in tune with his emotions — all of which were a breath of fresh air from the jerks and narcissistic assholes I’ve dated in the past. He won my heart over quickly when I met him while finishing up my MBA and we’ve been in love ever since.

Our dream one day is to be able to put down a downpayment on a new house and so we picked a small apartment with cheap rent in order to save as much money as possible. The small apartment wasn’t the only compromise we made — we decided to choose an apartment that we could rent out to a roommate as well. My boyfriend reached out to a couple of his old college friends, asking if any of them were interested in the room, and, a few weeks later, one of them moved in.

This brings me to Mike.

Mike has always been an enigma to me. I first met him when I started dating my boyfriend and, right from the get-go, there was always this odd discrepancy between how he treated me versus how he treated my boyfriend. Basically, he was really nice to him… but when it came to me, he’d immediately switch into this rude jerk, almost like I was beneath him for some reason. I eventually brought it up with my boyfriend and… well, now that I think about it, he was a bit shy and reluctant to tell Mike to be nicer to me … almost as if my boyfriend didn’t want to cross him or something… anyway, I always thought it was weird but decided not to make a big deal out if it because I didn’t want to be the type of girlfriend that started drama with his friends…

After hanging out with them for a few months back in college, I started to notice how much of a womanizer Mike was. However, what baffled me was that he wasn’t just a jerk to me… he was pretty much a jerk to every girl he spoke with… yet, he never failed to leave the bars with a pretty girl under his arm…

I commented on it to my boyfriend at the time — I remember him saying, “Yep, no idea how he does it but he’s never had a problem getting laid… I never liked having to hear his wild stories about the chicks he bangs, because, well... you know... I’m just not that type of guy...” and he kissed me, implying that he was the type of guy to only date one girl at a time and commit to them long-term — and I loved that about him — seriously, it was so refreshing to meet a guy that didn't run for the hills at the first mention of commitment...


I’ll be honest...

... because Mike was such an enigma, he kind of had my curiosity piqued...

... like, how on Earth did he get so many women while being such a cocky asshole? Personally, I hated his attitude, and, when put into contrast with my sensitive, sweet, loving boyfriend, it made no sense to me that all these girls threw themselves at Mike… I mean, sure, he was physically attractive, but being hot is so irrelevant when the dude is an insensitive asshole. At least in my books...

Well, fast forward to about a few months ago where Mike had just finished moving into our apartment... The only thing I had said to him was that he was only allowed to move in if he promised to never bring girls home. I made sure to establish that boundary as there was no way I was willing to deal with random girls being brought over to our apartment every night, nor did I want to deal with any loud sex coming from his room... other than that, I didn’t really acknowledge him much because, as you already know, I wasn’t a fan of him, and he was only there to help pay the rent anyway. To be honest, I didn’t give him much thought at all after he moved in since I was intensely focused on my career — as one of the new administrators that came in at the same time as a bunch of newly hired employees, I was already responsible for whipping some of the new people into shape. After the first few weeks went by, I really grew into the position, turning into this boss-bitch woman who took control of situations and got shit done. After the third week, everyone followed my orders without question, and, if you’re wondering why I’m telling you this, well, there's a reason...

See, the hospital's HR made sure my boyfriend was assigned to a different team administrator due to our relationship status so he didn't know about my newly discoeverd boss-bitch attitude at work ... so, instead, he learned about it in the bedroom...

Soon, whenever my boyfriend and I had sex, I was more dominant, more controlling and more demanding towards him… and, to both of our surprise, he lapped it up ― naturally falling into a more submissive role in the bedroom. It was exciting for me to evolve into this new sexual dynamic with him and, even though he never seemed to explicitly talk about it outside the bedroom, I could tell he was enjoying every minute of relinquishing control over to me as much as I was taking it.

That wasn’t the only change that happened around then, however… and this is when things started to get... strange...

I guess I was naive to think that something like this wouldn’t ever happen when you’re living with another guy but... about several weeks ago, I accidentally walked into the bathroom while Mike was still in there… buck-naked…

He froze and stared at me while I stared right back at him, almost like two deers stuck in the headlights. I have no idea why I didn’t just bolt out of there or apologize profusely, but… without even thinking… my eyes were immediately drawn to his crotch...

And I finally saw the reason.

The reason why he gets so many women.

The reason why women always call him back, no matter how rude he is.

The reason my boyfriend kept hearing of his wild stories with girls back in college.

It all just… clicked.

Well, the convo we had in that moment was awkward to say the least…

“Ahem… you, uh, see something you like, Rachel?” Mike slowly jested, his lip gradually curling into a smirk.

His voice finally snapped me out of my trance and I looked back up at him, my eyes wide as they could be...

I… uh… what?… no! I’m so sorry! I’m, uh, just going to leave!

And I turned around, scooting out of there as fast as I could…

I remember feeling mortified. I had made a complete fool of myself and was absolutely embarrassed. I had no idea why I couldn’t string together a coherent sentence back in that bathroom but it was like that boss-bitch of a woman, who kicked ass at work, had just completely disintegrated at the sight of his HUGE cock...

I mean, sure, I'm not very experienced sexually, so I didn’t have a lot to compare it to but I had no idea they got that big! It was easily the biggest dick I had ever seen and it wasn’t even hard!!!

I felt extremely guilty for just looking at it so I splashed some cold water on my face from the kitchen faucet and vowed to put it out of my mind. About five minutes later, my boyfriend came home from work, walking through the front door as I was just drying off my face. I started acting super nice and clingy to him the moment he walked through the door, as if seeing Mike's cock was still making me feel guilty, even though nothing actually had happened… I hugged my boyfriend tight, asked him how his day was, and acted super affectionate with him as the evening went on… I don’t know if my boyfriend noticed my change in behaviour, but probably not because I’m usually affectionate with him anyway…

That night, I dragged my boyfriend to our bedroom and I pinned him to the bed. I rode his cock hard as I kept telling him how much I loved him…

I kissed him,

I stroked the side of his face,

I pinned his arms to the bed as I expertly rode his cock, up and down...

Soon... I was about to cum ― when the unexpected happened; as soon I was on the precipice of cumming, my mind suddenly wandered towards what I saw, back in that bathroom when I ran into Mike...

I pictured his big, thick cock, completely exposed to me ― the biggest cock I had ever seen in my life.

To my genuine surprise, the thrill of thinking about Mike's cock while riding my oblivious boyfriend pushed me over the edge instantly.

I came so hard on his dick; I was shuddering, quivering, and moaning loader than I ever had...

However, as soon as I came, the post-orgasm clarity hit me hard…  I felt so guilty again.

I gave my boyfriend permission to cum and we cleaned up. When we were back in bed, I immediately snuggled up with him, trying to be affectionate while simultaneously trying to soothe my guilt and my confusion of why I came so hard…

Well, the next day, I had a crazy time at work that made me forget all about what had happened. The hospital was testing a new medical record system as part of a pilot program that I was left in charge of. Thing is, someone messed up entering in a batch of patient information and this asshole colleague of mine tried to blame the whole fuck up on me — I swiftly called him out on his bullshit and told him to pack up his shit. This guy that tried to blame me was known to be sexist and rude towards the women on my team… and the moment he tried that shit with me, I chewed his ear out and told him to find a new job. Honestly, it felt so empowering and amazing to finally getting rid of that misogynistic piece of shit. So much that I decided to go home early for the first time since working there and I left work around 4pm.

Mike was working from home these days, as his company had shifted to remote work due to the pandemic (the hospital, of course, insisted that my boyfriend and I came in still) so when I walked in to the apartment, Mike was in the kitchen and saw me...

“Oh, hey — don’t worry, thought I’d wear some clothes this time…” he snickered at me.

I stared at him for a moment and then embarrassingly chuckled. “Haha, yeah… I can see that... look, I’m so sorry about yesterday… the door was closed and I should’ve knocked… I didn’t really see anything anyway so you have nothing to be embarrassed about...”

I wanted to kick myself — it was so obvious I had seen his cock — I damn near stared at it! And as soon as I heard myself say that, I knew Mike would make me eat my words...

He snorted loudly. “Oh, so that’s how you want to play it? Just going to pretend like you didn’t gape at my dick when you walked in?”

My face turned beet red. I embarrassingly laughed and said, “… okay… maybe you’re right… what I said still stands though... you definitely don’t have anything to be ashamed of… if you know what I mean...”

I couldn’t believe what I said. I wanted to kick myself even further… until I noticed Mike eying me, up and down as he processed what he had just heard...

I straight-up started having butterflies in my stomach as I could feel Mike’s eyes all over me, relishing in the fact that I just admitted to thinking he has a nice cock…

“Wow… You think your boyfriend would appreciate you complimenting another man’s dick like that?” Mike gleamingly taunted.

My eyes went wide with what he accused me of…

“Wait, what??? No, no, no, I was just trying to lighten up the situation — I wasn’t trying to —

Mike suddenly stepped closer to me and was now standing over me. His tall, 6’4” stature easily dwarfed my tiny figure...

“You girls are all the same… as soon as they see my huge dick, they just can’t stop gushing over it.”

I was shocked. “Um, excuse me?! What the hell is that supposed to mean?!

“It means I see through your whole good-girlfriend act. It means, deep down, you’re probably just a huge slut that loves big dick as much as all the other sluts I fuck.”

I was absolutely floored. My jaw dropped. Then closed. Then opened again to say something but my words failed me. Sure, I was used to Mike being an asshole to me, but this… this was so over the line that I was completely caught off guard.

Yet, instead of scolding him for being extremely inappropriate, here I was, acting like a flustered little girl, unable to string together a single sentence — I remember frantically thinking, What happened to that boss-bitch woman that dominated at work today? Why the hell was Mike having this effect on me???

“Not even going to deny it, huh? Don’t worry, you don’t have to — I know you must’ve had a slutty past and you probably had some big cock before. Let me guess, you miss having a big dick? Because I know for a fact your boyfriend isn't winning any points in that department.”

Again, I was stunned. Finally, my words found me. “… Okay, first of all, you don’t know a thing about my past!! And, second —

“ — Oh really?” Mike interrupted, "I know you used to be a huge raver and went to all those music festivals during college. After you gawked at my dick yesterday, I checked you out on Instagram,” and he pulled out his phone, showing me some old photos of me in scanty rave-attire at one of the Ultra music festivals I went to.

He continued. “If there’s one thing I know about how girls act at these kind of things, it's how slutty they get when they’re tripping on drugs,” he smirked, looking me up and down.

I remember just looking at his phone propped in-front of my face and then back up at him. Was he really going to slut-shame me for the way I dressed at a music festival??? I remember thinking, how on Earth does that mean I was a huge slut when every girl dresses that way at those events and I was just trying to fit in! The truth is, as I mentioned before, I wasn’t very sexually experienced (only dated one other guy before my current boyfriend, no one-night-stands, etc…) so I was never really slutty despite dressing like that... yet, Mike clearly had different ideas about me…

If he was any other guy, I’d have screamed at him for being a misogynistic asshole… just like I did to my ex-colleague at work... but... for some reason… the way Mike was taunting me about wanting his big dick… and making those humiliating comments about my boyfriend…

It started to stir something up in me...

Something I had never felt before…

“Tell me this,” he continued, “Have you thought about my cock since yesterday?”

I winced at him, embarrassed, as I recalled the memories of last night with my boyfriend — the memories of me thinking about Mike’s huge dick while riding my boyfriend… no… the memories of how thinking of Mike’s huge dick instantly made me cum! … And, well, I guess my hesitation in responding to him gave my answer away.

He grinned while he leered down at me.

“I thought so. Must be frustrating knowing the real cock you want is actually in the room next to yours while your little boyfriend tries to make you cum…” he chortled.

I glared up at him, fuming, yet my stomach was still full of butterflies. I wanted to yell at him for saying something so disrespectful about my boyfriend… but, at the same time… the way he was humiliating him right to my face… emotions continued to stir I never knew existed — my anger started to become overtaken by a feeling that was confusing at first but, the more it grew, the more one thing became clear to me…

Mike was turning me on with the way he was talking to me...

Combined with the image of his huge, hung cock from yesterday being seared into my mind, I started to look at him in a completely different light…

His towering stature…

His muscular arms…

His deep, gruff voice…

All things I noticed before but didn’t really notice… if you know what I mean…

But, before I could say anything back to him,

The front-door unlocked…

… and my boyfriend walked through.

The tension between Mike and I completely evaporated as I was brought back down to reality at the sudden presence of my hubby. I quickly pulled away from Mike’s personal space and I bounced over to him, putting on my usual bubbly-happy voice.

“Hey baby! I missed you!” and hugged him. “You wouldn’t believe the day I had at work today, it was brutal… I’m so glad you’re here now…”

I caught Mike continuing to smirk at me as he watched me be overly-affectionate with my boyfriend, almost as if he knew I was just doing it to soothe my guilt that was currently doing somersaults in my stomach...

I have no idea why but this was the second moment I remember when I started to feel… a bit turned on again; as I hugged my boyfriend, I was making eye contact with Mike over my boyfriend's shoulder, connecting with his condescending, judgemental gaze… like he was judging me for trying to act all lovey-dovey with my boyfriend, moments after his intense confrontation about me admiring his cock…

The fact that my boyfriend was oblivious to me staring at Mike behind his back while I hugged him… I don’t know… it did things to me… again, making me feel things I had never felt before… and I caught myself getting a little bit wet…

Eventually, I broke away from Mike's gaze and pulled my boyfriend over to the couch. We sat down and I proceeded to tell him all about my insane day, including firing that one sexist colleague I mentioned earlier. My boyfriend intently and supportingly listened, like he always does, validating all of my decisions I had made at work and telling me how proud he was of me. He even claimed how badass of a woman I was and that I would never let any man talk me down like that. I swelled up with pride and was instantly reminded how much I loved him, immediately kissing him on the lips.

Right at that moment, Mike decided to sit down on the sofa next to us and joined in on the conversation…

“Damn, Rachel… that dude you fired sounded like a huge dick…" he quipped, sipping on a drink he brought with him. "I guess by the sound of it, you know how to handle a big dick... don't you?

I literally just stared at Mike, shocked that he had the balls to say something like that in front of us… I mean, obviously my boyfriend had no idea what Mike truly meant by that… but I clearly did!!

“Yeah… I guess so…” I eventually peeped back at him, “… I feel like I’m pretty good at taking care of a big dick…” I slowly said, staring right back at Mike.

My heart lurched. I remember incredulously thinking to myself, Why the fuck am I playing along?!

Mike choked on his drink and stifled a laugh, smirking intensely back at me after regaining his composure. My boyfriend obliviously joined in — “Pieces of shit like him are just insecure they have to answer to a female boss… some men just can’t accept that you have power over them and it’s so sad, honestly…”

Mike and I stared at each other as I watched his lip curled into another smirk as soon as he heard what my boyfriend said, almost as if the idea of women having power over Mike was the most ridiculous thing he had heard… and, for some reason, I was inclined to agree…

But then, my boyfriend rubbed my leg and I snapped out of my gaze with Mike. He asked if everything was alright between Mike and I, and, well, I panicked, basically laughed him off, saying, "Of course! Everything is fine… Hey babe, can you come into the bedroom with me?"

I got up, all hot and bothered, left the couch, and went straight to my room. As soon as my boyfriend followed and came in, I told him to shut the door.

Honestly, I was going to tell him about what happened between Mike and I, right there and then… I knew it was the right thing to do. If Mike was going to be inappropriate with me, I needed to shut that shit down and fill in my boyfriend.

However,… the mood Mike put me in… I felt myself consumed with it. I was so hot and bothered from the way Mike treated me, how he talked to me, how I lost all semblance of that boss-bitch of a woman I was at work when he spoke to me… that the next minute, all I remember is me just pouncing on my boyfriend to relieve my sexual tension.

I kissed him hard before I immediately pushed him down to his knees and told him to pull my pants down. He obediently obliged, like he always does, and took my panties off too without me even asking. I grabbed a fistful of his hair and shoved his face into my pussy, my body language demanding that he eat me out right then and there as his back was against the door he just closed moments ago.

I moaned as I felt his tongue do circles around my clit… but soon after, I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket with a text message. My boyfriend's face was between my legs, so… I discreetly took my phone out… and, well… it was exactly who I had hoped it was…

1 Unread Message ― Mike.

I discreetly tapped on it while my boyfriend was still between my legs, going to town on my pussy...

And here I thought you were gonna tell your boyfriend about our little chat… but from the sound of it, I guess not 😂”

The walls were not the thickest and, since we were literally right up against the door, Mike could hear me moan. I don’t know why but it supercharged me, knowing that Mike could hear me whimper — so I rode my boyfriend’s face even harder: I turned around and shoved my ass in his face, pushing his head up against the door and demanded that he eat my ass out.

For some reason, even though Mike turned me on by the way he confronted me, I also hated that I lost control to him, that I wasn’t in charge of him like I was with everyone else in my life. I channeled my dominating, boss-bitch-woman attitude and took it out on my boyfriend, pushing him down onto the floor while sitting directly onto his face. I gyrated my pussy all over his mouth, even bounced up and down on his tongue, as I completely dominated him on the ground. I asked him if he liked my ass in his face and didn’t even lift my pussy up from his mouth to give him a chance to respond; all I heard was a muffled murmur as I kept forcing him to lick me. I quickly felt an orgasm building up in my body but I didn’t want to cum like that. I wanted his dick inside me. So I pulled us both off the floor and yanked his pants down.

For a moment, I contemplated sucking his dick… something I hadn’t done in months… but, I don’t know, I just didn’t feel like submitting myself to my boyfriend like that anymore — instead, I wanted him to submit to me.

"Get on the bed so I can ride you. NOW!"

"Yes, babe, anything for you..." my boyfriend said as he obediently climbed into our bed.

I mounted him, furiously riding his dick while gripping his neck… and... well… my mind drifted towards Mike again…

I pictured Mike stroking his huge dick in the other room to the sounds of me moaning…

"Yes, baby, yessss." I cooed.

I then pictured him opening the door, snatching me off my boyfriend and taking me away to his room…

"Fuck, that feels so good babe!" my cooes turning into moans.

and then, I pictured Mike pinning me down in his bed and pounding me into oblivion with his big, fat, huge dick while my boyfriend was suddenly forced to listen to my much louder screams…

"Oh my god! Fuckkkkk!!! ― "

and I came so hard to my newfound fantasy.

Chapter 2

Well… the next few days were… interesting… to say the least…

Whenever my boyfriend and I were in the common area of the apartment, Mike would try and weasel into our conversation, constantly making big dick puns in-front of my oblivious boyfriend…

I was embarrassed every time he did because I knew he was poking fun at how much bigger he was than my boyfriend… honestly, I was going to confront Mike about it, to tell him to stop because of how inappropriate it was, even if my boyfriend never caught on…

But I never did.

I instead found myself becoming more and more horny every time Mike made a reference to his big dick in front of my boyfriend that only I would understand… kind of like when he first did it when I fired that guy at work.

Eventually… the horniness became overwhelming and sex with my boyfriend just wasn’t cutting it for some reason. I’d fuck his brains out each night but was never satisfied by the end of it. Honestly, I started losing my mind, wondering what the hell was happening to me, until one night, after more unsatisfying sex, I was still horny as usual so I went on my laptop to search for porn while my boyfriend slept next to me. I thought, maybe, I just had to finish the job myself and cum on my own with my hand…

The thing is, I almost never watched porn before, because I would usually just pounce on my boyfriend if I was horny… well, when I started watching porn that night, I found myself gravitating towards specific amateur videos… videos that had guys with really huge cocks. I found subs like r/hugedicktinychick and r/amateurgirlsbigcocks on reddit, and I found myself imagining it was Mike and I in the gifs while masturbating. Well, it didn’t take long for me to cum so hard that I had to bite down on the blanket I was sharing with my sleeping boyfriend.

As the days went by, I kept choosing masturbating to porn over fucking my boyfriend. I always pretended it was Mike and I in place of the people on screen, fantasizing how I would be screaming just as loud as the girls in the videos while my boyfriend was forced to watch.

I felt super guilty each time after I finished cumming... but, whenever I got horny, it was like all rationality went out the window and I had to finger myself to my newfound fantasy.

What really fuelled my newly discovered kink was that I would always wait for my boyfriend to fall asleep at night to start my porn-masturbation marathons. While he slept right next to me, I would lean my head next to his, sometimes even on his chest, while I masturbated to fantasizing about Mike and his huge cock, my boyfriend completely oblivious while he dozed off next to me. Luckily for me, my boyfriend was a heavy sleeper!

The guilt never stopped, though... I felt like a terrible person — why was I getting off on the idea of cheating on my man? He was so loving to me, so affectionate, so supportive of me in every way possible. But my infatuation with Mike was growing stronger and stronger by the day, and I just didn’t know how to stop…

I always reasoned with myself by saying, as long as my boyfriend doesn’t know about this newly discovered side of me, then no harm done… besides, I was always super loving and caring towards him during the day. He did mention at this point that he noticed I had stopped initiating sex with him… I lied to him and just told him I was stressed at work…

Little did he know I was cumming my brains out every night while he slept right next to me, completely oblivious to me furiously rubbing my clit to Mike's big cock.

I got even braver and started to quietly moan Mike’s name out loud next to my sleeping boyfriend while I came… I would even whisper to him how much bigger Mike is compared to him and how much I wanted to fuck Mike while he watched, how much I loved being Mike's slut, and how I can’t even enjoy sex with my boyfriend anymore because my pussy only wanted Mike’s cock…

Well, it wasn’t long until my porn-searches for big dicks led me to… another discovery.

Something that would transform how I felt about all of this forever.

Something that would make me much more willing to come to terms with my newly found slutty desires...

I discovered cuckolding porn.

It was like my lust for Mike's bigger cock was suddenly validated. There were so many porn videos, so many subreddits, and so many erotica stories I found of other girls that had this same deep craving for a man more well-endowed, a man more masculine, more aggressive, more muscular ― just, more manly than their current boyfriend or husband.

It was a lot to digest. And by digest, I mean masturbate to lol. I kept picturing Mike doing the same things to me that the bull was doing to the girls in the videos, all while my boyfriend was forced to watch me being pleasured beyond anything he was capable of doing.

Well after a few days of blissfully destroying my clit to cuckolding porn, my city decided to have a policy change on who should come to work, as covid cases were steadily on the rise ― my manager called me one morning before I headed to the hospital to tell me that only essential staff were now deemed necessary to come in. In other words, nurses had to go to work (read: my boyfriend), while admins and managers (read: me) were asked to work from home...

I remember slowly lowering the phone down after my manager gave me the news...

I had to spend a full eight hours at home... while Mike was in the other room next to mine... alone...

I could feel my imagination jumpstarting its engines as my mind began racing, my heart fluttering, my stomach getting butterflies...

NO, I remember immediately thinking to myself, halting my fantasies dead in its tracks before I got too mentally carried away. This is not who I am. I'm a loyal woman who loves his boyfriend. Fantasizing about Mike in private is harmless but cheating isn't.

I went to break the news to my boyfriend that, for the first time since working there, I would not be going to work with him together. After explaining to him what my manager told me, he left for work and I retreated back into my room, firing up my laptop so I could get started on the day's tasks.

The first item on my agenda: Install Zoom so I could attend the virtual team conference call at 9:30am. Then, second item ―

suddenly, my day-planning was interrupted by a knock on my door.

"Babe?" I asked. "Did you forget something ― "

The door opened. It wasn't my boyfriend.

It was Mike.

My heart skipped a beat. Before I could ask what he wanted, he said, "Sooooooo, I heard you're joining team lockdown?" a smirk forming on his face...

"Oh... Mike... umm... yeah, haha, I guess so..." I eyed him, up and down, taking in his towering presence. He was wearing a dress-shirt and tie but was also wearing grey sweatpants for some reason ― it took me a minute to process his odd clothing combination until I realized he was wearing sweatpants because no-one would see them when he was on his Zoom calls...

I laughed. "That's some interesting work attire you got going on there..."

He smiled back. "You know, some days, I don't even bother putting pants on at all... might have to stop doing that now you're home..."

My mind was suddenly injected with thoughts of Mike in a pair of small, tight boxers... his thick, meaty cock being constrained by the stretchy fabric giving a very clear outline of what laid underneath...

Funny thing is, I didn't really have to use my imagination for very long ― my eyes naturally gravitated towards his crotch and saw that he already had a VERY visible cock outline through his sweatpants ―

" ― and, there it is." Mike interjected.

"Uhh, I'm sorry, what???" my eyes snapping back up to his face as my cheeks flushed red.

"You think I don't notice you always looking at my crotch, Rachel???"

My cheeks flushed an even deeper shade of red. "Um.. what??? What are you talking about...?" I stuttered unconvincingly in my attempt to feign confusion.

"You're always glancing at my crotch. Why don't you just admit it, Rachel. You want my dick. Just give in and admit that you don't want to be the loyal, perfect girlfriend you think you are. Just admit that you want to know what my cock feels like inside of you. It's okay ― your boyfriend isn't here now."

I was stunned at his direct confrontation.

His abrasiveness and sudden willingness to address the sexual tension between us caught me off guard completely and made me realize how out of control my fantasies had become ― I could never cheat on my boyfriend; I AM a loyal girl.

I opened my mouth to scold him.

... but closed it after words failed to come out...

I could feel the boss-bitch woman in me quickly deflating and receding back, while, at the same time, a strong desire to submit towards Mike starting to replace her...

I watched him walk towards me as I felt myself simply keeping my mouth shut, unable to challenge or deny anything he was accusing me of, my legs rooting themselves to the chair I was sitting in, my eyes wide and looking up into his...

And then, he was suddenly standing right in-front me, his crotch at my eye-level, as he slowly took my hands and placed them on the waistband of his sweatpants...

I broke eye contact with him and looked down at where my hands were placed, each one on either side of his hips, his huge, shapely bulge only inches away from my face...

"Pull down my pants. Now."


... and I did what I was told.

No hesitation, whatsoever.

His cock sprung out and towered over my face.

"Holy fuck, Mike..." I slowly whimpered, feasting my eyes on what I desperately fantasized about for the past week.


Honestly, I wish I could tell you this is when my conscience kicked in and I put a stop to everything. I wish I could tell you I thought of my boyfriend, who had been so sweet and loyal to me for the past four years, and how I couldn't betray him...

It was my very last moment to back out...

The thing is... I caved...and I immediately shoved his cock in my mouth.

Nearly a week of pent-up lust was unleashed in that very moment. All of my fantasies about Mike's huge dick ― craving for it, dreaming for it ― hell, even rubbing my clit to it while I laid next to my sleeping boyfriend ― made it impossible to resist his naked cock once it was presented to me, right in-front of my face while my boyfriend was away at work...

As soon as I tasted him, I realized I was downright starving for his dick.

I moaned.

I whimpered.

I slobbered all over his thick, long shaft.

I was sucking his cock like my life depended on it.

His dick repeatedly rammed the back of my throat, causing me to squeal and choke as his dick kept frequently testing my gag reflex. His cock was so big, there was easily room for both my hands to stroke him off, one on top of the other, while I pumped my mouth up and down the top half of his cock. I bobbed my head as vigorously and as passionately as I could ― almost as if his huge size was making me want to work harder to please him, work harder to gain his approval, work harder to make sure he remembered my blowjob skills amongst the sea of women that have been in the very same position I was in that moment before me...

My tongue could feel every vein of his shaft, every contour of his head, every pulse of his rock-hard erection, completely filling up my mouth like no cock had before. I strained and struggled to fit his monster of a dick as far down my throat as I could, using every fibre of my body to resist gagging and regurgitating. The challenge was unlike anything I had experienced before ― I relished in it, completely committed to not letting go of his cock now that I finally had it in my mouth. I savoured his taste as my drool dripped down his shaft, just as I started to feel my own grool drip down my thighs from my completely soaked pussy.

Looking up at Mike while I slobbered up and down his huge dick, I could see his head tilted back, his eyes closed as he moaned in unison with me.

Who was enjoying it more ― him, or me?

As I was becoming more and more foregone in big dick heaven, we were interrupted by a sudden notification sound  from my laptop ―

My 9:30am meeting was about to start!!!

I froze, Mike's cock deeply lodged into my throat, as I cursed over the fact that this meeting had to happen now, of all times.

"Why are you stopping!? I didn't say you could stop, did I?" Mike snapped at me.

I reluctantly withdrew his cock from my mouth, every fibre of my body begging me not to. "I have a meeting for work, like, right now! I'm sorry, Mike, it'll only take like 15 minutes, I swear... After it's done, I can totally keep sucking your cock?? I promise!!"

Mike looked displeased.

"Get up." He commanded.

I immediately obeyed, despite not knowing what he was up too.

He spun me around and pushed my head down onto my desk.

"Ugh! Mike, what are you doing?!"

He yanked my pants down, panties along with it, and spit on his hand. Next thing I know, his fingers were in my pussy, fingering my already drenched lips.

"...Ughhhh, Mike.... Oh, god... stop.... Please.... I have to join... this meeting... ugh!!"

He didn't stop. "So? Then, join it."

It took me a moment to process what he said, as I felt his fingers caress my soaked clit, making my eyes roll into the back of my head as I moaned long and hard.

"Ughhhhhh, fuck Mike!! I can't fucking join this meeting while you're playing with my clit like that!!"

"Did I fucking stutter, Rachel? I said, join your meeting. Now."

My knees went weak as Mike's deep, gruff voice commanded me what to do. I had no idea how he had this effect on me but I just couldn't say no to him. So, I put my AirPods on, slowly reached for my mouse and clicked the join button for the conference call meeting...

Mike slid down and started eating my pussy from behind. Just as I felt his tongue on my pussy, I let out a loud moan but immediately clasped my mouth as my webcam took a moment to turn on.

Suddenly, there were a dozen faces staring back at me on my laptop screen. I rushed to tilt my screen up so they could only see my face and not that I was bent over my desk... I lowered my hand from my mouth and pulled together every ounce of determination I had to make it look like everything was normal on my end.

"Sorry I'm late! I'm... I'm here... let's... get started..." I struggled to say with a straight face as Mike's talented tongue did all kinds of circles and strokes around my clit. It took everything I had to make sure my face didn't scrunch up in ecstasy as my manager greeted me and got started in briefing us on the new working-from-home logistics moving forward.

"Thank you, Rachel, for joining us ― as I was saying, I just want to briefly go over how the administrative teams, who are working from home, will be managing the essential staff that are still here at the hospital..."

She droned on and on about boring administrative shit, all while Mike kept eating me out from behind. There were several moments when I had to clamp my mouth shut with my hand to prevent me from moaning out loud but, luckily, no-one seemed to have noticed, as everyone was focused on my manager.

"... And, that about wraps up how things will be done from here on out ― any questions before we finish up here?" my manager finally said, a huge wave of relief washing over me as I heard her imply that the meeting was about to end...

... so, I could finally get back to sucking Mike's huge, beautiful cock.

"Alright, if there are no questions then, we can wrap this meeting early."

I moved my mouse over to click the "End Meeting" button, when ―

" ... Rachel, could you just hang back so I could speak to you privately, please?"

My heart skipped a beat. My mind began to race ― I remember frantically thinking to myself, did my manager see Mike behind me?? Could she tell what was going on?!?

Once everyone had left and it was just me and my manager, she finally spoke. "Hey hun, so I just wanted to let you know that Tracey has called in sick - she caught COVID and is quarantining for the next two weeks."

Tracey was one of the other managers ― more specifically, she was my boyfriend's manager.

"Now, I know HR originally told me that it would be against hospital policy for you to manage your own boyfriend, but, given that all the other teams are overstaffed and the crazy situation we're handling right now, I got HR to green light your boyfriend reporting to you for the next two weeks, at least until Tracey comes back."

I froze.

I weakly gave out a "Oh... okay..." as I was suddenly reminded of my loyal, sweet boyfriend while his roommate's tongue was deeply lodged in my pussy.

"... Huh,I thought you'd be more happy... Anyway... you'll have to debrief him on the cases and nursing schedule for your team so I asked him to join this meeting ― yep, here is now... alright, I'll leave you two to go over things!"


It took a good five seconds for my brain to catch up to what my ears had just heard.

I couldn't fucking believe my luck.

My manager disappeared from the call...

... and my boyfriend appeared moments later.

"Oh hey there! Wow, who knew my new manager would be such a smoke show!" my boyfriend teased, as he connected to my meeting.

"Uhhh... hey you!!! Haha, funny, I never knew HR would be cool with me managing my own boyfriend..." I exasperatingly said, a little too over-the-top as I tried to hide my sheer horror and embarrassment.

I felt Mike's tongue stop in its tracks as he heard me; even he couldn't believe what was happening.

In that moment, Mike stood up behind me ― luckily, because my laptop was angled away from the scene behind my back, my boyfriend couldn't see him but I would be lying if I didn't say the colour drained from my face as I thought for a split second my boyfriend was suddenly greeted with the sight of Mike standing behind me bent over the table!

"Uh, okay, so... let's make this quick!" I said, as I gathered my thoughts, trying to not be too distracted by the fact that I had no idea why Mike had suddenly stood up behind me. "So... uh, yes... the nursing schedule... and the cases... so, if you look in the folder labelled "Schedule Week 3", you'll find ― "

― my eyes suddenly went wide as my pussy lips were slowly being wedged apart by what was something definitely bigger than Mike's fingers...

"I... uh... sorry... um... yeah, the Week 3 folder, open that and there should be ― "

Suddenly, Mike shoved his cock in me and I literally yelped.

"Mmmmph!! ―" A high-pitched moan slipped from my mouth.


" ― ... Rachel? Are you okay?" my boyfriend asked me.

"Yes! Sorry, keep going!!" I squeaked.

"... Keep going...?" My boyfriend asked, confused, "What do you mean? You were telling me to look in Folder Week 3?"

My brain overloaded with panic and embarrassment. "Sorry, yes! I meant, keep going through the folder ... and ... look for today's date... it's .... Ughhh! It's so big! It's ... a huge file! You can't miss it!"

"... Uh... okay... I think I see it... You sure you okay??? Why is your voice so high-pitched today???" my boyfriend asked, a lot more concerned.

"Um.... I.... Babe, I... think I gotta go, my stomach is hurting... maybe something I ate this morning... I'm so sorry... I love you... I love you so much..." The words of affection left my mouth but felt so incredibly wrong to say while Mike's massive, pulsating cock was slowly being wedged into my soaking, dripping pussy.

Before my boyfriend had a chance to respond, I clicked "End Call" and minimized the Zoom app.

A huge wave of relief washed over me as I took off my AirPods.

I looked over my shoulder and peered at Mike. He had a shit-eating grin on his face as he finally realized the call had ended.

Chapter 3

I walked into the hospital for the first time without my girlfriend and ran into one my colleagues at the entrance.

"Hey man, good morning! Where's Rachel today?" he asked, noticing the absence of my girlfriend as she usually accompanied me into work each morning.

"Good morning!" I replied, "Uh, didn't you hear about how the admins and managers are going to work remotely starting today?? Because of COVID cases getting worse?"

"Ohhh, no I had no idea. Well, damn, lucky girl ― I'd do anything to be able to lounge around at home in my PJs while I "worked" haha."

"Yeah, tell me about it" I rolled my eyes, low-key jealous of Rachel myself.

We talked into the hospital together when I got an e-mail notification on my phone ― it was from Lucy, one of the upper admins:

"Hi, can you please attend the manager's meeting today at 9:40am? Here's the Zoom link to join the meeting. You can use one of the private computer booths on the 4th floor by logging in with your credentials. Your manager, Tracey, is out sick this week so I've arranged for Rachel to be your temporary manager. She'll need to brief you on her team's cases and schedule for the week. Oh, and don't worry, I've cleared everything with HR... shouldn't be a problem that you two are dating."

I smiled ― for some reason, part of me always wished Rachel would be my boss... there was something hot about that kind of a dynamic... I mean, it would definitely make our sex even hotter as she already bosses me around in the bedroom...

I couldn't wait to surprise her in her meeting.

But before my thoughts got too carried away, I caught the elevator to the 4th floor and found one of the private computer booths. Closing the door, I checked the time ― 9:24am...

I killed some time on my phone until it was around 9:39am and promptly joined the Zoom meeting, putting on the pair of headphones that dangled from the computer next to the monitor.

After a few moments of Zoom connecting to the meeting, Rachel's face popped up.

Her face was so close up to the screen that I couldn't see anything behind her, which I thought was odd, but I didn't think anything of it...

"Oh hey there! Wow, who knew my new manager would be such a smoke show!"  I teased, as Zoom finished connecting to the meeting.

"Uhhh... hey you!!! Haha, funny, I never knew HR would be cool with me managing my own boyfriend..." my girlfriend quipped...

I started to notice that her face was a bit flushed. Her eyebrows were kind of quivering. She looked like she was anxious about something...

"Uh, okay, so... let's make this quick!" she said, "So... uh, yes... the nursing schedule... and the cases... so, if you look in the folder labelled "Schedule Week 3", you'll find ― "

She paused as her eyes went wide all of a sudden...

"I... uh... sorry... um... yeah, the Week 3 folder, open that and there should be ― Mmmmph!!"

A high-pitched moan slipped from Rachel's mouth.

" ― ... Rachel? Are you okay?" I asked her, confused as to what made her make that noise.

"Yes! Sorry, keep going!!" she squeaked.

"... Keep going...?" I asked, confused, "What do you mean? You were telling me to look in Folder Week 3?"

"Sorry, yes! I meant, keep going through the folder ... and ... look for today's date... it's .... Ughhh! It's so big! It's ... a huge file! You can't miss it!"

"... Uh... okay... I think I see it... You sure you okay??? Why is your voice so high-pitched today???" I pressed, a lot more concerned.

"Um.... I.... Babe, I... think I gotta go, my stomach is hurting... maybe something I ate this morning... I'm so sorry... I love you... I love you so much..."

A few moments passed by...

Confused, I watched her took her AirPods off.


... but, I could still see her on camera, connected to the meeting...

Chapter 4

Mike grabbed my neck and, with my back arching backwards, he pulled my face up towards him ― "You liked having my huge cock being shoved into you while you talked to your pathetic little boyfriend?"

I didn't think it was possible but my pussy got even wetter.

"Yes..." I moaned, reluctantly.

"Tell me how much you loved it. I wanna hear you say it out loud."

My panic subsided and my inner submissiveness started taking over...

"I loved it when you shoved your huge cock in me, Mike..."

"While you did, what, Rachel?" He said impatiently, now thrusting his cock in me slowly.

I hesitated. Guilt started to bubble up inside of me, but, to my surprise, it made me even hornier when I thought of how my boyfriend was just, a few moments ago, watching me unknowingly take Mike's cock as I tried my hardest to pretend everything was normal on my end.

"Mhmmmmm.... Fuckkkk..... I loved it when you shoved your huge cock in me while I was talking to my dumb, oblivious boyfriend..."

The moment those words escaped my mouth, I recoiled in guilt. I felt horrible... yet... at the same time... it was like I had finally crossed the line... the line that I was so tempted to cross but inexorably afraid to ― I was finally being honest with myself that cucking my boyfriend in real-life ― not just in fantasywas a huge turn-on.

"Why do you love it so much, Rachel? Why do you love my cock, compared to your boyfriend's?" He slowly sped up his rhythm, his giant, thick shaft wedging deeper and deeper inside of me.

"Oh my god... Fuck, Mike!.... Because... your dick... it's so fucking big... it's so fucking big compared to my boyfriend's... his average cock is so small compared to yours..."

I felt my pussy get wetter and wetter as I moaned out those terrible words, my simmering guilt starting to die down as I continued to embrace this new, slutty side of me. I remember thinking to myself how inexperienced I was sexually before meeting my boyfriend, that I've never tried a cock as big as Mike's before... I started to realize, just how much I was missing out on... no... how CLOSE I was to missing out on experiencing such a hung stud of a man... if Mike had never moved in, I might've spent the rest of my life settling for my boyfriend and never experiencing what it was like to get stretched out by a real man by his huge, massive dick.

My back arched even more as my body responded to having its insides re-arranged by Mike ― I was trembling, quivering, basically shaking, as Mike slow-fucked me while he held me in position, holding my neck, slightly choking me, all while we hadn't even moved an inch away from the desk where, just a few moments ago, I was talking to my oblivious boyfriend.

"Holy fuck, Mike... you're splitting me in two! Go a bit slower, I can barely take all of it..." I moaned, my eyes closed in ecstasy as I felt every inch of my vagina being stretched out into a size it had never felt before ― when, suddenly ― in one fell swoop, he picked me up and tossed me onto my bed right next to my desk...

I yelped as I landed on my stomach ― "Mike! What was that for ― "

"Just letting you know, Rachel ― I'm definitely not going to take it slow on you. And you're going to take it like the good little slut that you are."

I looked back at him ― my eyes went wide as I saw the hunger in his eyes, him salivating at the sight of my ass hanging off the edge of the bed ― he grabbed my hips and yanked them up, snapping me into doggy position with my ass up in the air and my face still down in the bedsheets, helpless, as Mike completely manhandled me with his strong, muscular arms.

I yelped again ― I wanted to tell him off, to say he HAD to go slow, that there's just no way I could take his huge cock unless he was gentle! But... my newly-found submissive side relented.

All traces of that boss-bitch woman who dominated at work, who didn't take shit from nobody, had completely vaporized.

His gruff, demanding voice made me not want to disappoint him. The way he commanded me, made me want to be used by him, to be dominated by him, to be his good little, obedient, big-dick whore.

I whimpered as I bit my lip, bracing myself for the moment Mike was going to split my pussy into two again with his huge dick, this time, not so gently...

As soon as I felt the head of his cock touch my pussy lips, Mike shoved his huge cock inside me, balls deep.

"OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!"

His entire shaft was in me, from tip to his base for the first time; I had never felt so much pleasure, mixed in with pain, in my entire life.

"FUCKKKK!!!!! How are you so big!?!?! My boyfriend's dick doesn't even feel half this good!!!"

I looked over my shoulder, watching Mike slam his whole body into my ass as he started pummelling me into oblivion ― I started screaming and moaning so loud, I knew my neighbours could hear me. I got so turned on at the thought that it would probably be the first time my neighbours heard me screaming from getting fucked...


My screams were incoherent as fuck. It took all of my concentration to string together even that nonsense as my fists clenched up gripping the bedsheets, holding on for dear life. The whole bed was rocking back and forth as Mike used all his strength to pound my poor pussy into a new, stretched out size that felt like it would take days to recover from...

I closed my eyes in agonizing pleasure and then re-opened them, looking back at Mike as he pounded me ― my eyes fell on the laptop that was facing us (as I had angled it away towards the bed when Mike was eating me out during my meeting)...

I instantly started imagining my boyfriend watching me through the camera as I uttered out those horribly humiliating words earlier about his average-sized dick being outclassed by Mike's massive cock, how getting fucked by Mike felt so much better... and, how my resistance and reluctance towards cheating on my boyfriend completely disintegrated as soon as Mike and I were alone in my room...

My pussy was straight-up opening the floodgates as I started creaming all over Mike's dick while imagining my boyfriend watching me being taken by his well-hung roommate. I leaned into my fantasy as I started fucking Mike back with my hips, slamming my ass backwards into Mike's froward thrusts.

I thought to myself, it wasn't like my boyfriend was actually watching me, so, I should just enjoy the moment and say whatever I felt like, right?

And, well... that's exactly what I did...

Staring back at the laptop, picturing him helplessly watching me, I unleashed all of my pent-up cuckold fantasies that had accumulated from consuming all of the cuckolding porn I found over the past week ―


Mike smirked down at me, gripped my throat, and proceeded to destroy my cunt even harder.


"Oh babe, you ain't seen nothing yet ― "

― I shit you not, Mike stood up from the bed and actually picked me up, continuing to fuck me while I was suspended in mid-air being held by his huge, muscly arms. We were fucking in doggy-style right before this, so, now, my back was up against his chest, as I reached over my shoulder to grip the back of his neck with my hands. He started pumping my ass up and down on his cock while my legs dangled in the air, flailing around as he used my whole body like a giant flesh-light ― going all the way up and being slammed all the way down to the base of his cock. He had both his hands gripping my ass from underneath to help suspend me in mid-air while I held onto the back of his neck, clinging onto him for dear life as my insides were getting demolished by his huge, long shaft.

"HOLY SHIT MIKE!!! PLEASE ― UGH!!DON'T DROP ME!!!!! " I remember exasperatingly saying as Mike held me in the air while pistoning his cock in and out of me ― I had NEVER been fucked in that position in my life, my boyfriend is just way too weak to do so, so I naively was worried I might fall. However, after a few moments, it was clear at just how experienced Mike was at fucking girls in this position, as he barely broke a sweat while he thrusted me up and down his shaft, me completely helpless as this huge, muscular man used me to get his dick off.

... and I fucking loved every moment of it.

His cock was thrusting up against my g-spot, pressing it hard with his his thick, girthy shaft, as my eyes rolled into the back of my head in ecstasy; feeling his pulsating cock rubbing hard against my g-spot sent even more waves of pleasure down my spine I thought not possible.

"OHHHHHH MY GODDDDDD" I cried out as Mike kept pumping in and out of me while I was on the verge of tears from how good his gigantic dick felt.

Being manhandled, picked up and held in the air while he effortlessly fucked me was so incredibly hot, my pussy was dripping onto the floor. I was a messy goo held in his muscular arms as he pumped me up and down his dick, my eyes closed in bliss as they stayed rolled into the back of my head. I just couldn't process anything else in that moment except how good his dick felt.

Moan after moan, scream after scream ― the walls of my room echoed with my shrieks of pleasure...

I eventually opened my eyes to look back down at the laptop and was overjoyed to see that I was still in clear view of its webcam ― my legs were completely spread out, my pussy directly in line-of-sight of the camera as my pussy swallowed up Mike's cock, over and over again with each bounce... up and down... up and down... up and down...

My mind kept imagining my boyfriend watching me through the camera, and, well, for the sake of my fantasy... I started going off the rails with my humiliating dirty-talk ―


With each horrible sentence, with each thrust of Mike's cock, I got closer and closer to cumming in-front of that laptop, my desktop wallpaper of my boyfriend and I hugging each other staring back at us...

Mike eventually gripped the bottom of my ass with just one hand, freeing up his other so he could place his fingers on my clit and started rubbing it.

The moment he touched my clit, my pussy exploded.

The combination of Mike rubbing my clit, his gigantic cock thrusting ruthlessly up against my g-spot, his large, muscular arms enveloping my tiny, feminine body, and the fantasy of my boyfriend helplessly watching Mike steal me away from him with each of his thunderous thrusts, all sent me over the edge

Mike's cock popped out of me and, while he held me in mid-air, I had an earth-shattering orgasm ― squirting a huge fountain of cum all over my laptop.

I screamed my lungs out. "OHHHHHHHHH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!"

While he grounded his fingers into my clit, I was squirting buckets of cum in rhythmic bouts of clear-ish, semi-white fluid everywhere.

I had, hands-down, the most powerful orgasm of my life.

Tears started trickling down my eyes as my screams and whimpers were probably piercing Mike's poor eardrums. I wailed in pleasure as my whole world was turned upside down by Mike's magical cock, a level of high I knew I'd never be able to reach with my boyfriend.

I finally squirted one last gush of cum as I floated back down from my orgasm's peak. Mike slowed down his circular motions on my clit but was still rubbing me ― I shook and quivered as my poor little clit was so sensitive after having just came. Even the slightest touch from Mike's fingers sent ripples up my spine.

Well, I wish I could tell you that the post-orgasm clarity had hit me hard and the guilt of cheating on my boyfriend made me regret getting fucked by Mike...

But it didn't.

Instead, we fucked for another 7 hours straight.

I was hooked. Completely addicted to his cock. I fully submitted to him and let him do whatever he wanted with me ― we fucked on my boyfriend's bed again, this time, me riding him while he laid on his back. I got up on my two feet in a squatting position and kept slamming my ass down onto his cock, moaning how much I loved his dick, how I'm not going to be able to stop fucking him from now on, how he can take my pussy whenever we wants, even if my boyfriend was home ― hell, I even told him how I wanted my boyfriend to hear what it's like for a woman to be properly pleasured, for the first time in her life!

We fucked in missionary after that, except I told him to fuck me on my boyfriend's side of the bed. I laid on his pillow while Mike pounded me into oblivion, me screaming his name and how much his big cock was better than my boyfriend's, for all the neighbours to hear. I didn't care if my neighbours could tell it was me screaming Mike's name. I wanted them to hear it. I wanted them to know my boyfriend's roommate was fucking his girlfriend better than my boyfriend ever could.

Then, I turned over onto my stomach, took my boyfriend's pillow, and wedged it underneath my hips so my ass was elevated in the air. Mike mounted me from behind and jackhammered my pussy into the pillow, my juices and cum streaming down all over it. I was in pure ecstasy, overwhelmingly turned on by the fact that Mike and I were desecrating my boyfriend's pillow in the most humiliating way possible, that it didn't take long for me to have another earth-shattering orgasm...


I thought I was completely done after that. I mean, this man made me cum the hardest I'd ever came, twice in a row.

But I was so wrong.

He made me suck off all of my cum off his dick, making sure it was completely clean.

"Wait ― sit over here, by the laptop" I said, before I got on my knees to suck his cock.

"What? Why?" he asked, moving over to the edge of the bed, next to my desk where my laptop was close by.

I sheepishly looked up at him. "This might sound silly, but... the memory of talking to my boyfriend on Zoom is still pretty fresh... and it was SO hot... I... I kinda want to keep pretending like he's still watching me on the camera... it's this new fantasy of mine I discovered... cucking my boyfriend... please, for my sake, just go with it?"

Mike laughed. "You are such a dirty slut. Were you pretending he was watching you while you said all those things about comparing me to him, too?"

I slowly nodded, my cheeks turning red hot with embarrassment.

Mike chuckled and then grabbed my head. "You see this, dude?" he mockingly said towards the camera, playing along with my fantasy, "Your girlfriend isn't the perfect little, innocent girl you think she is. I always knew she was just like every other whore I fuck every week. Just like all those college sluts I banged when you and I were back in school, remember that, buddy?" he jeered.

Then, he shoved his cock into my mouth and got rough with me.

I was overjoyed Mike was engaging in my cuckolding fantasy, roleplaying as the bull I watched in all those dozens of cuckolding porn clips I masturbated to in the past week. I returned his enthusiasm with enthusiasm of my own, aggressively and energetically blowing his cock as hard as I could while he face-fucked me in-front of the laptop.

I took it like a good girl, wanting to please Mike, but it was so hard. I struggled with how big he was, his head routinely hitting my gag reflex, but I was determined to not give in and kept allowing Mike to fuck my face.

Now that I think of it, I never let my boyfriend fuck my face like this...

Mike was rough. He was aggressive. He used my mouth like he used my pussy earlier when I was being suspended in mid-air ― like a fleshlight he was using to get himself off. He grunted and moaned while my throat stretched to it's limits to accommodate his cock.

I eventually tapped out and withdrew his dick from my mouth, coughing aggressively, disappointed in myself for not being able to hold it together for Mike...

"Aw, that's okay babe ― you have a lot to learn on how to handle this dick. With some more practice, I bet you'll be an expert cock-sucker by the end of the week."

My heart fluttered at the thought of being Mike's little cock-sucking-student for the whole week...

"Yes, baby... whenever you need your cock serviced, please let me practice on you... sneak me away from my boyfriend so I can suck on your cock, whenever you want! He can't make me cum as hard as you can, so it's not like he deserves my mouth anymore!" I directed my taunts towards the laptop camera as I continued with my fantasy role-playing, now that Mike was joining me in it.

"Damn straight," grunted Mike, "I'm going to make you suck my cock every day from now on, the moment your dumb boyfriend leaves for work, first thing in the morning. You're going to be sucking my cock while I work, while I eat lunch, and while I'm taking my Zoom meetings. And when your boyfriend comes back home from work, you're going to kiss him on the lips like nothing ever happened."

My pussy drenched itself at the thought of kissing my boyfriend after getting face-fucked by Mike. "Yes, sir, daddy!! I can't wait!!!"

I continued sucking his cock for what felt like an eternity, Mike constantly testing the limits of what my throat and gag reflex was capable of, until, finally, he said he was ready to cum.

"Urghhh, where do you want me to cum, you slut!?" grunted Mike


For the first time in my life, I received my first-ever facial. And, boy, what an initiation it was ― Mike erupted a huge, thick, goopy load all over my face and chest as I knelt before him on the floor.

"Oh my goodness!!!" I squealed, overwhelmed by how many thick, pearly-white ropes of cum were being flung all over me.

Mike grunted and heaved his last bout of cum as I stood there, on my knees next to the laptop, just completely drenched in his jizz.

Using my hands, I licked it all up. Mike was out of breath as he sat on the edge of the bed gazing down at me in a post-orgasm haze, clearly enjoying watching me enjoy my prize of sucking his cock like the good little slut he turned me into.

But it didn't stop there.

He was slowly stroking his cock as he watched me, and to my utter shock, his cock started slowly inflating, filling up with blood again...

"What the fuck... are you getting ... hard again???"

"Yep." he retorted.

And, with that, he brought me up to my feet, spun me around and slammed my ass down onto his cock while was still sitting on the edge of the bed.

"OWWW!!!" I yelped ― my pussy was sore from the pounding he gave me earlier, but it didn't take long for me to get super wet again.

I leaned forward and arched my back. Mike grabbed my hands from behind and pulled them behind me while he started thrusting his cock into me, my asscheeks clapping loudly against his hips.

We fucked and fucked until we were both dripping in sweat. I screamed and he grunted. We changed positions and went at it even harder. I kept talking dirty to him about my pathetic boyfriend and he humiliated my boyfriend back. He carried me over to the desk, bent me over and pushed my face up to the webcam while he pounded me from behind again. I pretended to taunt my boyfriend by looking into the camera, the whole desk shaking with each one of Mike's powerful thrusts, and kept telling him how much better Mike's cock felt, how much bigger it was, how much harder it was for me. I pretended to tell him how pathetic he was that he was watching me getting taken by his roommate, that he couldn't do anything about it, and that he was probably jerking his useless little average-sized dick like the loser he was. It didn't take long for me to cum a third time, being so up-close to the webcam while I pretended my boyfriend was unwillingly watching me, almost frying my brain with how intense my fantasy was turning into.


And I orgasmed hard all over his huge, long cock while Mike pile-drove his dick into me, my hips getting red from repeatedly banging against my computer desk's edge.

After cumming for a third time, we took a short lunch break while I caught up on any missed work emails (as I was supposed to be working that whole time)... but it didn't take long for me to get distracted.

I just couldn't stop staring at Mike's huge cock. I mean, we didn't bother to put on any clothes as we ate our food together, me finishing going over my emails. Mike was still eating his sandwich when I finished my last email, so, I decided to suck his cock while he finished his lunch ― after all, he did say that's what I should be doing while he had his lunch from now on...

My antics quickly turned into another sloppy throat-fucking session while he "trained me to be a better cock-sucking slut".

Then, we fucked again.

On the kitchen counter.

On the kitchen floor.

On the sofa that me and my boyfriend bought together.

On the living room table that we also bought together.

He made me cum another three times. All of them screaming-my-head-off, mind-blowing orgasms that sent me to another dimension.

I was fucking exhausted.

It was 3pm when we decided to call it quits. We were sweaty as fuck and both covered in cum, me a lot more than him.

So I suggested a shower.

Well, our little shower turned into another 2 hours of us fucking like animals as I simply just could not get enough of Mike's cock. I was love-drunk on his dick and had another two scream-inducing, toe-curling orgasms.

"OH GODDDD, HERE WE GO AGAIN!!!! FUCKKKKKK MEEEEE!!!!!..... " I cried out, my eyes watering, the euphoria washing over my body as my final orgasm crescendoed into a climax and gradually fell back down...

"Okay... THAT was the last one... I'm fucking dead right now... no way I can go for another round..." I feebly whimpered as I laid sprawled out on the bathroom floor as Mike laid next to me, his rhythmic panting starting to slow down with mine.

It was kind of poetic that our last fuck of our sexcapade ended in the bathroom, the same place I accidentally first laid eyes on Mike's huge package that started this whole spiral downwards into lusting after his dick...

"Damn, woman... not gonna lie, it's rare finding a girl that can keep up with me." he said half-cockily, half-admiring my stamina while I laid there, in utter disbelief at HIS stamina myself...

"No fucking kidding, how long did we fuck for?? That was easily the best sex of my life..."

Mike looked at his watch. "Shit, it's nearly 5 o'clock! The whole day is gone I guess..."

My eyes went wide. I immediately got up off the floor.

"Dude, my boyfriend will be home any minute!!!! Get your clothes and go back to your room!!!"

Mike laughed. "Are you seriously still going to stay with your boyfriend after you just cheated on him for 7 hours straight?"

My stomach plunged with guilt. The fantasy was over and I was about to face reality ― was I going to be able to act normal in front of my boyfriend after I just had a whole day fuckathon with his roommate?

Well, Mike went back to his room and I freshened up, putting my clothes back on after I found them scattered around my room... It wasn't until another five minutes later, I heard the front-door open and my boyfriend walk through.

The door clicked shut as he locked it behind him. And then, silence.

There was no way I could tell him what I had done, I couldn't bare to see the hurt and betrayal in his face. He didn't deserve it; he was too kind, too loving, too amazing of a boyfriend for me to do that to him... but I knew I wasn't going to be able to stop fucking Mike either... his cock was just too magical... I was completely hooked on it...

I took a deep breath, pulled myself together and left my room to greet him. My plan was not to tell him and to keep fucking Mike behind his back. I knew I was a horrible girlfriend but I told myself I'd make it up to him by being super affectionate with him, by taking him on amazing dates together, by getting him whatever he wanted for his birthday... I did really want to be his wife one day and I knew I'd be an amazing partner for him... as long as he didn't find out about me fucking Mike...

However, as soon as I saw his face, I knew things had changed forever between us...

He gazed at me.

There was no smile on his face like there usually was.

He didn't greet me and give me a kiss like he usually did.

He just stood there, staring at me, a strange look on his face...

I finally broke the silence.

".... Hey babe, is something wrong?" I tried asking innocently, my voice almost cracking as anxiousness suddenly took a hold of me.

He finally spoke.

"The Zoom call we had this morning... You didn't hang up properly. I saw everything."

The End.


"Ugh!! Yes, Mike!!!! Yes!!!!! Fuck that pussy!!! Own me!!!! Use me!!!! Make me cum on that huge cock!!!!"

I heard Rachel's moans through the walls.

I put my scrubs on and found my backpack I usually take to work.

I left my room to go into the kitchen so I could pack my lunch before heading into work.

I glanced over to my roommate's closed door...

"Oh my god, Mike, I fucking love your cock!!! Choke me, spank me, please, I'll let you do anything to me, just don't stop fucking me with that big, huge cock!!!"

A crack pierced the air as I heard my roommate spank Rachel's ass... she moaned and whined in response.

I opened the fridge and gathered some left-overs from last night into my lunch container.

The same left-overs from dinner I had ordered the previous night for Rachel and I. The same dinner that got left cold as my roommate came out of his room, dragged my girlfriend away from the dinner I had brought home for her, and closed the door behind him after pulling her into his room, leaving me alone in silence to finish my food by myself.

I remember leaving my food on the table too, as I slowly crept up to my roommate's room, sliding down onto the floor as I leaned against Mike's door.

"What took you so long!!!" I heard my girlfriend moan out to Mike through the door as I heard a belt buckle fall onto the floor, followed by sloppy slurping sounds. "You know I can't go very long without sucking your big cock! My boyfriend just doesn't cut it for me anymore, I need your dick!"

I shook my head as I pulled myself out of re-living the memories from last night... something I found myself doing a lot these days...

It had been nearly a week since I accidentally caught my girlfriend cheating on me through that Zoom call we had...

When I came home that day, Rachel noticed how hard my dick was through my pants... she seemingly took a risk and, instead of immediately apologizing for cheating... she asked if it turned me on...

I'll be honest... I was hurt... betrayed... crushed... but also turned on beyond anything I had ever felt...

So, I answered...


Since then, she's been cucking me every single chance she could get with my roommate Mike, forcing me to either watch her or listen to her through the walls of my apartment, like she was doing right now as I got ready for work, leaving them alone together for the next eight hours again...

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